Sunday, July 4, 2010

Grown Ups

See this movie if you have nothing else to do. Maybe.

The cast is perfectly fine. Adam Sandler, David Spade, Chris Rock, Selma Hayek, Rob Schneider and other familiar names ensure that plenty of ad libbed one liners find their way in to birth a chuckle or chortle. The movie's about a group of youth basketball players reunited for a weekend after their coach passes away. It is end-to-end comedy... even the "conflict" scenes carry a smirk-faced quality to them.

Somehow, it seemed to cross the line of Airplane! zaniness into plain, eye-rolling weirdness. The Schneider character who's married to the hypersexual sixtysomething. And who has two supermodel daughters (and one that looks like him, which was admittedly funny). The mother breastfeeding her four year old child.

Movies don't usually seem an hour longer than they actually are, but such was the case to me. To wonder how a movie will end which has no real conflict to resolve. Fortunately, they invented one at the end, and even figured out a way to add a stitch of sentimentality to a plot with deliberately little.

How about 1.5 stars out of 5. Hey, they can't all be winners!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Hey, Y...where's M C A???"

Ya gotta admit...that part was funny!