Saturday, July 10, 2010

Road Rage Remedy

While pecking away happily at my desk at work, it hit me like a thunderbolt that it was nearly 4:00! The very time I was supposed to begin guitar rehearsal for my next gig. At a church all the way across town. Through the equivalent of rush hour traffic. I dashed to the car without closing down the computer. Ten stoplights upcoming in the five-mile stretch. Ah, anxiety... the fertile ground of road rage!

Not so fertile today, though:

1. I called ahead, and left a note that I'd be running 15 minutes late.

2. I try to always carry a book in the car. That way the whole trip is productive... during green lights I'm closing in on the destination, during red lights I'm thinking about fun or interesting topics rather than the relatively useless fact that I am powerless to go anywhere and getting later by the second.

3. "Everything's gonna be all right." I apologize sincerely, without a big story, and move on. As usual lately, I write the incident off as having some unseen good to it. Perhaps if I'd been on time I'd have crossed an intersection just as a drunk driver came racing through. Or maybe my duet partner benefited from the extra minutes alone, if she'd had a rough day and needed a few moments to gather herself. It's unlike me to be so forgetful, so why not chalk it up to divine intervention?

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