Thursday, August 26, 2010

Persistence Pays

I'd looked around town for a different hair salon. There were a couple of places listed in the phone book. Dena recalled another one not far from where we live.

I tried to call that one. The line was busy. Strike one, I thought. Not as a condemnation, mind you - the universe just has a way of sending signals that some things are not meant to be, for some people.

I called one from the phone book, and succeeded in an appointment. The service was good.

Since Dena's recommendation was so close to home, I gave it another try on a later date. Still busy. What are the odds in this day and age to call a service retailer and get a busy signal? Strike two.

Still, something pushed me to keep at it. Why, I'm not sure. Time's precious, and I've gotten pretty responsive to the failure signs, and usually move on quickly. All I know is that the third time I got through. Had an appointment. It was FANTASTIC. The best I've had in the state. I'm set.

Sometimes first impressions are the wrong ones. Persistence pays!

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