Saturday, October 16, 2010

Becoming A Bookie

I decided not to run for re-election for the condominium association board next year. Eight years ago I decided that I owed it to the neighborhood to contribute after being off for six years. It was a cinch to step into the treasurer role since it fits my abilities perfectly.

At the time I didn't know that I'd gain a tremendous learning experience as a contractor (leading the effort to put a new roof and retaining wall) and lawyer (scrutinizing by-laws and town ordinances). I know more about pool maintenance, foundation repair and electrical wiring than ever.

It's been exciting to orchestrate a 20-year financial plan and see it thus far follow according to plan. That's why I offered to continue my volunteer services as a "bookkeeper" - the true treasurer stuff like collecting checks, administering accounts in default, setting budgets and continuing to preside over the progress of that plan. Once the Board elects a nominal treasurer, that person can gain the wisdom of experience that I've had as a community leader. And I get the extra flexibility I need by not being tied down to a monthly meeting date or getting involved in other Board-related projects - flexibility that I can use for basketball coaching or the occasional appearance with the band.

Having done my fair share of service, and continuing to do so in a manner that saves the organization hundreds of dollars per year in accounting fees, it was in the end an easy decision to make.

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