Thursday, October 7, 2010

Volunteers Anonymous

"Stop me before I volunteer again." - Motto, Volunteers Anonymous

The VA motto is emblazoned on a set of Post-It Notes that were given to Dena as a gift. She accepted it. This is Step One.

Step Two is admission.

Not that she's ever denied committing a hundred hours to the Great Banquet retreat, or its spinoff prison ministry. Or working the food drive at church, or serving as greeter. Or driving out to niece/nephew sporting events, or hosting them for a day. Or working the Kiwanis Peanut Days, or developing the brochure for its annual conference, or attending its weekly meetings... or serving as its President-Elect.

Step Three is continuing to do it anyway.

Step Four is probably a free pass to heaven.


freid207 said...

Amen! If Dena is not in heaven, there is something wrong with God's selection system. The woman is the closest thing to a saint outside of Mother Theresa!

Dena McDonald said...

You both are more than too generous with your compliments. But as the saying goes, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Hopefully God's selection panel will overlook a few of those and go easy on me!

If he's keeping a tally sheet, I might need to take it to the Eternal Appeal Commission...