Saturday, October 16, 2010

Morning Joe

The body alarm decided to go off at 4:30 this morning. Why?

Part of it was because I nodded off early last night. I'd put in a couple extra hours at the office to wrap up some work prior to my 3-day New York business trip next week. Then off to the Hudson area for a wiener roast in falling temps with the old band Higher Ground. A couple rounds of hot dogs and baked beans filled the stomach nicely before heading home to reunite with Dena - poor lady had been laid low with a wicked headache for much of the day. So we chilled out while watching the first four episodes of the new season of The Office on DVR. Suddenly I was stirring awake at 11:00, and stumbled upstairs to call it a day. So I did log over six hours of sleep, which is passable for me for a few days before needing an 8-hour stint to catch up.

Another part was a weird dream where someone asked me to proctor an FSA exam for her. Only it was done like this: In front of a roomful of my management peers, she said "I need someone to proctor the FSA exam on Saturday morning. So if everyone agrees, then Joe will do it." To which my internal reaction was that of a caffeinated, sleep-deprived, drunken man on steroids and meth: "SURE everyone's going to agree. Why WOULDN'T THEY? And if you'd like me to commit my weekend to help you out, did you at least consider doing it in the form of a QUESTION?" Mr. Sandman's allergic to adrenaline rushes so that pretty much sealed the deal on slumbering for one night. [Editor's note: This was only a dream. I was not actually in the state described above last night. Which is to say, I was not caffeinated.] [Editor's note 2: I am happy to help proctor exams. I don't believe they are on Saturdays. The co-worker from the dream is perfectly kind and would never do anything so backhanded. Though as a non-Cubs fan, nothing can be known for sure.]

More reason: I recorded Game 1 of the baseball playoffs between the Yankees and Rangers. Right now it's the 4th inning and the Rangers lead 3-0 (go underdog! Sorry Jack).

Reason #4: Gives me plenty of time to enjoy some breakfast and drink sufficient water before heading over to the gym for a couple hours of basketball. Hidden Bloggers know my belief in the body as a machine that works best when properly fueled!

And hey, it's SATURDAY! When we were kids wasn't this like a weekly occurrence, bolting out of bed before Mom & Dad to start playing? Nowadays, besides hoops, play includes a bit of e-bonding with the blogosphere.

Let's roll!

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