Saturday, June 19, 2010

Challenges And Defeat

Q: What challenges have you had to overcome to get where you are?
A: I'd say a limited ability to think on my feet, and an energy-draining anger reflex.

Q: What drives you in the face of defeat?
A: I interpret the question to mean what drives me when I'm nearly beaten. If my head is right, then I'm driven by the silver lining... what's the upside of the situation? What's right with the world? When I stake too much in the victory, I'm driven by the desire to go down swinging. I'll bring an extra burst to the game, put in extra hours on the project, concentrate harder in the waning hour.

Q: What helps you overcome a failure?
A: Optimism that everything's gonna be all right. It's true. Things are good now, and I've had some terrible experiences. No regrets, except when I'm unable to keep my cool or respect others.

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