Sunday, June 27, 2010

Positive Drama

Q: Have you had a defining moment (an event that changed the direction of your life)? If so, did you recognize your defining moment when it was occurring?
A: Yes. The one that stirs most easily to mind is one I've blogged about before - a potentially disastrous midnight-hour realization that I'd messed up a crucial economics homework project in the first month of freshman year of college. Putting off sleep for another three hours was, in effect, a decision to doggedly pursue my academic goals, breaking a cycle of coasting on natural ability and so-so grades that stretched back several years. I credit it as the first of a chain reaction of achievement.

Q: What makes you happy?
A: Freedom. Affirmation. Summer. Seeing others overcome.

Q: Where do you get inspiration?
A: From real life stories of others' success, hence the reading list at the bottom of Hidden Blog. And also from the optimism and energy of others. I'd be a goner on a desert island (if only because my aversion to eating fish).

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