Sunday, October 12, 2014

Heartland Community College Tutoring

Thought I'd expand on the reasons that I enjoy working at Heartland Community College's tutoring lab.

- It's a low-paying, hourly job, free of the pressures of corporate life in general, especially the chaos that can be the management seat.
- We're not selling anything. There's no competition. We're all on the same team by nature: Help you to understand the material.
- My boss Bunmi is creative and communicative, instilling a newsletter and a peer mentoring program. She personally e-mailed me to plan my development.
- My boss's boss Anita always has a smile on her face, which I credit highly since I understand the pressures that she must be under. She's open to feedback and also takes the time to get to know us, despite having little time to do so. She invited a handful of us to help out with strategic planning.
- Our training sessions are full of food and fun. The college is nationally accredited for tutoring.

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