Thursday, October 16, 2014

Living In The Safe House

"I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life."

Every week Catholics spend a part of their Sunday in call-and-response, murmuring half-heartedly a refrain that's spoon-fed to them by a lector after a series of short Bible quotes. Somewhere around the third time this week, it did sink in with me the possible significance of this verse for a person in a constant crusade for more peacefulness. Anyone who believes in an infinitely-powerful God has reason not to fear many things that they otherwise would. We feel safer inside the strength of the locked doors of our house at night than in the open plain. If I am attacked, I am safe. I will survive. We don't have to think like animals in the wild, because we are in the care of God's destiny for us. Things will turn out according to that plan. We can live more peacefully if we look out the windows and cherish the view.

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