Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Con Cast? Part 2

The good news: A curteous repairman came today and installed all new cabling and equipment. Continuous access for five hours and counting!

The curious news: Someone with the word "comcast" in his e-mail address read Hidden Blog and sent me a note offering to help. I replied that it would be helpful to be spared of charges for the additional service. He replied offering more help, and asking for my phone number. Hmmm.... personal information over the Internet. Scam? I sent a note back to him indicating my hesitancy to provide it; instead, I provided some details of the service call (when the repairman showed up, what exactly he did). I figure that if he is truly a ComCast employee, those details would be enough to confirm who I am without having to pass phone or account numbers over the electrowaves.

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