Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Welcome Note To My New Work Team

Here's the note I sent to the team I newly manage following our kick-off meeting at work:

Thanks for making today's meeting fun!

Football teams have three units -- offense, defense and special teams -- that seldom play together, but occasionally have team meetings. You voted for us to have some team meetings of our own. In fact, you voted for the meetings to be quarterly (four quarters? You guys are carrying this football thing too far!) and had the following three favorite topics:

1. Motivational/inspirational
2. News from around Life/Health Actuarial
3. News from around the Services Team

You also helped me start to understand what services we provide, and they're jotted in the attachment. It's not exactly a team fight song, but it tries to convey what we do. Please feel free to chip in additions, corrections or ideas to make this better!


I hope that you're proud of what you do, and optimistic about where you're heading, individually and as a team. Please know that your work is appreciated by this new guy on the block! I'm looking forward to spending time with you. I love visitors, and am glad to support you professionally and personally, so please let me know whatever you might need. Great teams are compassionate teams, and by first impressions I'm expecting great things.


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