Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chuck Norris Fact For The Day

Chuck Norris can unpop a balloon.

This tells you a lot about Dena and my shared sense of humor... when she read that I went from stoically writing a report at my computer chair to gut-busting head-throwback laughter. I just love illogical humor like that. I mean I LOVE that type of humor.

It elicited one of Dena's rare episodes of what I call "four-tier laughter" that I love about her. Round 1 is a series of low-level chuckles that resonates from somewhere low in her diaphragm. Then after 10 second pause round two begins, with higher pitch and more force. By round four she's nearly helplessly limp with laughter (which by that time has me guffawing too) and tears starting to trickle. If we were in a reality TV show I'd find a way to incorporate that laugh into my screen saver or something.

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