Thursday, February 26, 2009

Product(ive) Recall

"Apparently, we can generate positive emotional feelings if we are highly practiced at it.

Happy people tend to be able to quickly recall lots of positive events, such as their child's school play, walking the dog, a productive brainstorming session at work, or the clever thing they said at a party. Depressed people, because they have a habit of focusing on the negatives of life, can easily recall recent problems, upsets, failures, and setbacks."

I don't know about you, but turning off the replay button on negative events has been the greatest personal plague to overcome for me. When we wake up in the morning we choose the tone for our day. What runs through our mind in the shower? Troubles or victories? Worries or dreams? One trick I've found to be uplifting as I head to the office is to pretend that today is my retirement day. Maybe it's because we think of things more fondly when we're about to leave them behind. Maybe it's because frets of the future are replaced with warm memories of the past. Whatever, it works. Changing our thought pattern is really such a simple choice, yet takes energetic focus to sustain until a habit is formed.

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