Friday, February 27, 2009

The World According To Gym

"Gym class was another little brush with fascism. You line up in your squads, and you better be wearing your little gym suits. If you are not wearing the gym suit, you are not taking gym class. 'Remember, kids, exercise has no effect unless you're wearing these special suits.'

A gym teacher is a strange occupational choice. What is this job? You're walking around in shorts with a whistle all day long. You've got an office next to a shower, you're torturing and humiliating young boys all day. It's weird.

Any day that you had gym was a weird school day. It started off kind of normal. You had English, Geometry, Social Studies, and then suddenly you're in Lord of the Flies for forty minutes. You're hanging from a rope, you have hardly any clothes on. Teachers are yelling at you, 'Where's your jockstrap?!' Kids are throwing dodge balls at you, snapping towels - you're trying to survive. And then it's History, Science, Language.

There's something off in the whole flow of that day."

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