Monday, February 16, 2009

Do-It-Yourself Happiness

"Perhaps most important, you need to understand that happiness is a process, not a place; a way of traveling, not a destination. Happiness requires positive attitudes about life and the world, and continuing fresh involvement with activities. A life full of meaning and values, supportive social relationships, and rewarding work is the framework for a happy life." - Ed Diener

I think our minds are powerfully influenced by repetition. We condition ourselves to our "normal" state of mind by the deliberate or unwitting processes we apply in our heads. Do we allow ourselves the habit of looking back on the little joys of the day or the week? Do we exercise happiness by actively repelling angry thoughts with warmer memories, exciting plans and dreams? Our muscles and our attitudes are as strong as we discipline ourselves to make them. We're much more resilient than we think. The potential to positively influence the world around us lies untapped until we commit ourselves to the victories, small at first and eventually with great momentum, of seeing and speaking the bright side.

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