Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is A Bad Attitude Really All That Bad?

Someone made a comment yesterday that "When someone says 'Watch your attitude,' they really mean 'Watch your behavior.'" How true! We all have bad attitudes at least once in a while, don't we? Bad attitudes are simply bad thoughts, which are a problem in their own right, culminating in things like heart attacks, crippled posture or wrinkles in the wrong places. But relationship-wise, bad attitudes only become a problem if they turn into words. As I heard on one cops-and-robbers show between a commanding officer and a blunt detective, "Just because you have the thought doesn't mean you have say it." Hence the beauty of the venting e-mail that you type and then delete, or the satisfaction in letting go of anger. Or the habit of respecting differences of others. The other day a friend of mine whose husband is Hispanic was shocked to hear some landscapers make racially insensitive comments to a group of visitors. Coming to grips with the fact that we're each naturally superior and inferior to everyone else in something, so that we treat each other with a spirit of humility, is what molds us from factions in to a harmonious and true human race.

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