Thursday, February 19, 2009

Heard Like The Dickens

"He did each single thing as if he did nothing else." - Charles Dickens

Good tip for effective living, whether doing our own work or listening to someone else - distractions tempt, but focus breeds success and good feeling. Of late I've been trying to do a cardio workout three times a week and weight workout another three. Tonight was a cardio night, but after going out with some LMC alumni pals and snarfing down a double-portioned grilled chicken sandwich (muscle-building protein, right? Even the fries?) the gut was telling me to call it a night rather than pumping my legs for 40 minutes. But focus on the goal... that 14% body fat New Year's resolution... pushed on, so after an hour of digestion and a decent workout, a perk of some extra energy to keep me blogging past midnight turned an average day into a pretty darned good one.

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