Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lincoln's In Town!

That's the name of the play written about Abraham Lincoln's experiences in McLean County during his time as a lawyer, prior to heading to the national stage. The special production was written, directed, and mostly if not entirely staffed by locals. Talented locals... I really enjoyed some of the creative devices they used. Like referring to one of Lincoln's second occupations as a lecturer (he did one, for example, on his scientific predictions for the future, like "harnessing the wind") not by re-enacting the lecture, but by a scene of several ladies quilting the following day and talking about it.

You know Lincoln's my favorite leader for reasons discussed at length elsewhere in Hidden Blog, so I won't recount them here. This was just a good chance to reflect on the 200th anniversary of his birthday, and how great of an impact his life still continues to have on the leadership of our nation today.

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