Thursday, February 26, 2009

On Core

"A very important point: You do not 'create' or 'set' core ideology. You discover core ideology. It is not derived by looking to the external environment; you get at it by looking inside. It has to be authentic. You can't fake ideology. Nor can you just 'intellectualize' it. Do not ask 'What core values should we hold?' Ask instead: 'What core values do we actually hold?'" - Jim Collins

Is that so different from life's purpose? To some extent we can develop an enthusiasm for something. But we have natural tendencies, natural passions and talents. Perhaps we derive greatest joy from helping others. It could be raising children. For some, it's competing and winning. For me, it's teaching. What do we value? What is it that brings the happiest tear to the eye, or that we can lose ourself in for hours as if they were moments? And if we're destined to lead in life, we find ways to communicate this passion to others... our words, our scheduling, our money follows it. We don't have to be loud, just consistent, just persistent.

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