Tuesday, November 23, 2010

NCHS Practice #11

Twenty minutes pre-game warm-up. Each missed layup means a sprint down-and-back at the conclusion of warm-ups.

Five minutes FT shooting. 2 and rotate. Rebounder should practice boxing out, pinching down, etc.

Five minutes transitions and substitutions on FTs.
- if you're the man back, whether offense or defense, you stand by coach
- if coach calls you to sub in "on the bounce," you head to scorer table once official's bounce pass to shooter hits floor
- line up at scorer's table in crouched position, not lying on floor, not sitting on bench
- run on and run off, communicating to each other as to defensive responsibilities

Ten minutes R&R vs zone... in a 4 out 1 in alignment
- guards should align with the gaps in the zone
- so for example if facing a 1-2-2 then should have two guards high

Five BLOB vs zone "Spread"

Five minutes quarter-ending play
- point, and two at sideline extended from top of key, and two in corners
- count down from 30 seconds, count down and take shot once under 5 seconds, and all crash for tip in

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