Sunday, November 28, 2010


The McDonalds tend to play fast and loose with the rules of the game.

Under the letter B.

Things in a park: Big Bullies.
Things that jump/bounce: Unless the entire brood was born invalid, I contend that Bambi's Babies must be accurate.

Under the letter I.

Farm animals: Irritated chickens.

Under the letter E:

Crimes: Eating the Elderly.

A literary debate broke out for the letter O:

Book titles: Old Man and the Ocean.

Likewise, I was overruled under the letter K that "Karate Hour with Jim" was a legit T.V. show, or that "Kettleworms" was an actual type of insect (though for the life of me, I don't know how else worms in a kettle would otherwise be described in conversation).

Moods turned ugly around the table when Mom and Dena agreed that "New Guinea" and "NASA" were tropical places, but not "North Dakota." Ask the scientists at the Arctic Circle!

Fortunately, Jack called in from California right around then. He was able to provide final rulings on several items. Thanksgiving was saved.

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