Thursday, August 28, 2014

Magnetic Personality

Marketing a business can be a dicey thing to measure. When you spend money to get your name out there and it actually pays off, it's like finding a unicorn. At least, I imagine it is.

This morning I got an e-mail from someone through my web site. My daughter has a regular tutor but has some extra homework tonight,  are you available today?


Whenever I park at the library, I try to find a spot right in front of the doors, so that the magnet ad I've  got on my car door will face people as they leave. Sure enough, this mom was there with her daughter for their regular tutor, saw my ad:

Math problems?

She had her daughter write down the site address, one thing led to another, and everybody won!

1 comment:

dyoung said...

Now, to find that unicorn:)