Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trust Is Job One

"I say, luck favors those who have spent their preparation time building effective systems of communication and trust in one another. That way, when a crisis occurs for you, within your family, your team, or your business, it can turn into an opportunity to shine." - Mike Krzyzewski

Togetherness time has been a great way to lay the groundwork for getting things done in the long run. It's not immediately productive for me to sit in on unit meetings involving employees two or more levels below me... the details of their job often don't touch any of the analytical work I'm called upon to do. But still I strongly believe in the value of being there with them. Only if I know what they do can I be most effective as a leader in giving them what they need. And key to those meetings are listening and laughing, more than scrutinizing or doing anything authoritative. Because people who feel uncomfortable around, or isolated from, their leaders shouldn't be expected to feel like true owners of the organization.

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