Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bitty Ball Handling

Had a good conversation with bro-in-law Thad the other day, he of the college basketball career and current coaching post for our niece. He passed along a few good ball handling drills.

One ball in each hand. Dribble one ball below the waist, and the other above.

Line up a series of chairs. Dribble ahead, bring the ball over the seat of the chair whenever you reach one.

Dribble with gloves on.


Anonymous said...

This is about like Kelsey being told to 'set between your legs'...what!?!?

Rub your tummy, chomp on some gum, text your bff, and shoot as many free throws as you can and don't drop the phone!!


Joe McDonald said...

I hadn't thought of those three drills as being rolled into one... but why not? As long as we remember to take the gloves off before the game starts we should be fine. Maybe even take the chairs off the court. That would avoid some serious "between your legs" moments.