Monday, December 20, 2010

NCHS Practice #21

Five minutes of taking "infield." Coach stands at half court. Single file line of players at baseline. Coach has one ball. Alternate tossing pop-ups, firing line drives, rolling multi-hoppers. A few steps to the right or left of the player.

Twenty minutes of 3 v 2 games. Best 3 of 5 possessions wins. Win by scoring (O) or getting ball (D). The 3 are on offense, one of whom is unguarded and may not shoot... he should be setting screens or initiating speed dribbles, and he should offensive rebound. Therefore, O should win every game. If D loses, five push-ups. If O loses, two sideline sprints (i.e. back-and-forth twice). Then switch up O and D.

Ten minutes R&R 5 v 0... a couple minutes focusing on each of the below.
- circle movement (5 out), call out left, right, baseline
- pass & cut (4 out) w/ back cuts over the read line
- cutters look to back screen away from the ball
- look to pin screen for cutters (especially best shooters)

Twenty minutes games to 8
- Game 1: both teams Kansas v 14
- Game 2: extra point on every basket scored in transition
- Game 3: extra point for any shot off a pin screen or back screen

Ten minutes competitive Phoenix Hagen (choose match ups strategically)

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