Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taste Of Faith

Yesterday was a rough one at the office. A decision thought to be final last week was unearthed for re-examination. It would require research and conference with attorneys. The decision was critical to our attempts to finalize specifications for the new product we're launching next August. E-mails stacking up in the inbox. Someone asking for different product details by end of day. Rob and I struggled to review and sign off on the accuracy of a report due by day's end, and to analyze research on a separate project.

Oh, and I was due to lead a four-hour workshop first thing tomorrow morning. About those specifications. Before a room full of programmers. I had no agenda, and about three long lists of unanswered questions.

As Jennifer and I wound down for the day, I said that we'd need a little faith to succeed in the morning. I started to print out the lists of unanswered questions. Then I stopped. I figured that God had a plan for tomorrow. I could pour my evening into combing through lists and answering questions. Or I could go home and live. What God wants to happen, happens. In my relatively weary condition, why grind myself down further as if that would impact the great plan?

So I crashed on the living room couch and put work out of my mind. Watched some T.V. Relaxed. Nodded off to sleep.

What do you know? The next morning, Dena had coincidentally set the alarm for 5:15. Since I was awake and refreshed, I headed into the office 90 minutes early. Not only pulled all the questions together in an hour, but was able to answer them by 8:00. The list turned out to function like an agenda for the meeting. We cruised through it in 3.5 hours.

Another mountain moved.

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