Thursday, December 16, 2010

Goal Line Stand

"Another key is to be accountable for your own mistakes and stay calm when things break down. Seven or eight years ago, we used to have arguments in the huddle. There would be an 8-yard run and guys would start screaming, 'That's too much!' Well, that doesn't happen any more. Because it's such a veteran group, we're constantly focusing on the bottom line - did they score or not? and reminding each other of the game situation." - Tedy Bruschi

What's the bottom line outside of the football field? Two weeks ago we missed a deadline to publish a calculator on the web. Was that the bottom line? We got it up a week late. There might have been some sales lost because of the lack of a calculator. Was that it? Our co-workers on the project were sincerely disappointed, and are unlikely to ever make that kind of mistake again, which would save future sales from similar loss. How about that? Maybe. Or maybe these are 8-yard runs, and the goal line is the collection of relationships involved. To apologize where needed without excuse. Beyond that, to carry grace under pressure and in apt time to restore a confident smile.

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