Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Three more questions:

Q: How do you go about getting things done?
A: In my personal life, the little matters are like the tide. I go through listless spells where the simplest tasks like taking out the garbage or paying a bill are beyond my interest/energy level. And I know that eventually, often late at night but at various times throughout the day, I get a surge of energy and knock out a ton of tasks with ease. At work, my process is roughly like this: (1) draft a vision of the final product in my mind, (2) determine the needed players for the team, (3) share and modify the original vision with the team to form and execute the plan, (4) document the results for maintenance's sake, (5) say thank you profusely.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you want to convince somebody to go in a direction you want to take?
A: I explain my tentative vision, and ask their input. It works because (1) most times, that input is at least partially used because I'm imperfect, and (2) it shares ownership with the teammate.

Q: How do you solve problems?
A: I'm interpreting this to mean objective problems, rather than interpersonal ones. The most successful approach I've found is (1) listen sincerely to the issue and the suggestion, restating them for clarity and to demonstrate sincerity, (2) seek & validate the good in the suggestion... most every idea is valid in some way, (3) if for some reason the suggestion is not used, explain why, (4) brainstorm alternatives.

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