Sunday, May 23, 2010

Open For Growth

"We've found that individuals who can keep growing share two distinct qualities: they are open to new experiences. And they are also open to learning more about themselves." - Herb Greenberg

I'm in the market for a new experience. Helping to coach basketball summer camp will be one - sort of, as my first from the coach's perspective. I still have the resolution to make ten new acquaintances this year, and have to put more brain power behind that. The Young Professionals Kiwanis Club has my attention, I hear that they are having some socials and it would be good to find a group of people with that kind of interest.

Book clubs are another outlet I've enjoyed before. The Chamber of Commerce offers some, perhaps there are others around.

As far as self-learning, I wouldn't have said years ago that I'm better as a second-in-command than as a leader. The last decade has proved that to be the case. I've taken on a half-dozen true entrepreneurial-style roles, like launching new member orientation formats in the church, or presiding over a newly formed Honors Alumni Network at ISU. The reality is that I have about a three-year itch that sets in, and shorter depending on the level of adversity that crops up. Meanwhile, roles like condominium board treasurer, where I'm a valued consultant with vision and well-defined responsibilities, have been long-term and fulfilling experiences away from the demands of the presidential position. I remember a pastor friend encouraging me into ministry as an associate pastor, selling what a great team we'd make. I didn't fancy myself as the "associate" type then... now I do. I'm assistant-coach caliber who pores over game film to develop strategy, then gladly cedes to the head coach. I suppose that's what helps in my management job at State Farm - knowing that my talent level depends heavily on the contributions of everyone else in order for the best decisions to be made, since I'm not the kind of guy who has all the answers the way an executive might.

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