Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Puzzling Bloggers Guild

When I was in the band, once a month our rehearsals in the sanctuary would be uprooted by the Quilters' Guild. Picture a good-sized atrium and worship center teeming with people sitting in groups, weaving fabric in attractive designs, and chatting. I understood the concept of "doing something minimally productive as an excuse for bonding." With a little bias, I just didn't get into quilting.

What part of the brain makes puzzle-solving and blogging attractive pastimes? Hopefully the hippocampus, just because it's such a fabulous word to look at. Whatever it may be, I'm glad for it since it's given rise to the Goodfield Puzzling Bloggers' Guild. The dynamic is perfect. By the time we gather around the table to start methodically hunting edge pieces and stealing glances of the box picture like some mutant form of OCD, we've done considerable pre-reading of some of the most fascinating thoughts rolling around in each others' heads as spilled out through our fingers into cyberspace.

Quiet spells pass reflectively, a mixture of shape-studying and mulling the most recent flow of conversation. Phrases silly, serious, inquisitive and hopeful all find their way to the table in an easy, unhurried pace. Puzzle progress is slow, steady, and moderately important. Most of all, it gives like minds a chance to get sharpened and brightened in the most appealing way.

The Guild will be making appearances on the East Coast from June 5-12.


freid207 said...

Oooo...I've always wanted to be a part of a guild. It sounds so medievel! I look forward to the next Puzzling Blogging Guilding Bee in the Outer Banks. BTW...worked on the puzzle more tonight. Edge is finito. Felt a bit Cro-Magnon after staring at all the yellow pieces for a while. I think my medulla oblongota is fried.

Joe McDonald said...

If we can just teach Dona to play the guitar, we can add a third dimension as well...

Anonymous said...

ME?! Did I ask to learn to play the guitar!?? The puzzle isn't taxing enough for you, eh? On to bolder, more impossible tasks I see...

I'd be happy turning pieces 35 different ways to find the fit while listening to my SON learn a few chords, thank you very much!

Anyway, you get my fingers on those strings and there will be a mass exodous off the island!