Sunday, May 23, 2010

High/Low, Weeks 17-19 2010

All right, it's a cheap way to keep up with the "weekly" post resolution. Fortunately the handy black calendar (so thick that it inspired a Christian basketball father to praise me for carrying a Bible at practice... how could I let him down?) reminds me of several things worth mentioning.

In fact, the skipping of a couple weeks' worth of these posts is a symptom of a restlessness, a distraction from the focus on the peaceful practices that keep me headed in the right direction. I was almost a month late in depositing condominium fee checks for the association. I erupted defensively at a business meeting when I could have stated things much more professionally. My sleep patterns have been up and down. I think this week I'm going to commit to the Muslim-like practice of giving thanks at sunrise, midmorning, noon, midafternoon, and sunset, to rehearse the peaceful smile that I carry at the office when I'm at my best. Fortunately, life at home has been dandy. Does that say something about my job, or that I need to jump start my attitude?

Spending a weekend at Mom's was great one-on-one time with her that's happened infrequently. Naturally it's just as well that Dena's always with me when I'm there, but I tend to defer to the two of them when the three of us are there together. We were able to open up and reminisce about things and enjoy a delightful pre-birthday dinner. And blessed news came when a couple of mysterious spots on a medical exam came back clear for her.

We've entered the month I call Heaven, that stretch between my birthday and the first day of summer when the days get longer and warmer. I knocked off another three books and got enough material to last another month worth of posts, if I chose to play it that way.

The laptop is officially wireless now! Next is to test it in a public place. I wonder if the house in North Carolina has wi-fi? I've got a feeling that for the first time in four tries I'll be able to Hidden Blog from the coast! I'm also optimistic about the chances of maintaining some strength training while we're there, instead of letting muscles atrophy for a week after saying faithful for the last year.

And as covered earlier, the unexpected birthday recognition was the highlight of the month so far.

I'm honored that two different department employees requested me as a mentor this year. Mentoring in all its forms, whether teaching or coaching, is one of the favorite aspects of my job. A couple weeks ago I was able to bounce some ideas off of one of them, and got some useful feedback.

These weeks have been exciting with change. New employee Paulette started last week; this is Tyson's last week; it's the summer intern's first week. And it can be a week of renewal for me too, as long as I bring a burst of enthusiasm to the hours when inertia threatens to slow me down. Let's see what's fulfilled by week's end!

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