Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Hard" Questions

Three more questions from the survey:

Q: If you have a difficult decision to make, how many people do you discuss it with?
A: Usually 2-5 people. When interviewing job candidates, I prefer three to be on the team, which provides a minimum level of perspective and an odd number to break ties (which has been helpful more than once!). When deciding whether or not to enter seminary, it was closer to five - Dena, a couple pastors, some close friends. When deciding whether to go to a hockey game or go on a date, my roommate set me straight.

Q: Are you hard on yourself when things go wrong?
A: Yes, though I think I'm recovering. Mistakes used to haunt me for months. What's the point? I'm human, did my best. Mistakes are learning opportunities. Lately they might hang around for a day or five, but that's about it. And when the recordings do strike, I'm quicker about hitting the stop button.

Q: How hard is it for you to assert yourself in a difficult situation?
A: Probably about a 6 or 7 on a scale where 10 is "impossible." In good part it's because I believe in most situations that there are many right ways to go, and none that is clearly best. The other's a physical hang-up... a bit of angry tremble in the voice, and a lack of agility in debating on the fly.

Thankfully I've been blessed with very, very few hard situations!

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